Aug 20, 2013

久しぶりにライブが決まった! It's been a while but we've got a new show planned!

(English below)


代官山LoopでGAGLE/SHING02のライブにThe Lo-Fiが出演します!


日時:2013.09.07 (SAT)
開場:17:00/スタート:The Lo-Fi 17:30〜
チケット:前売/3,500円 + 1drink
当日/4,000円 + 1drink


会場の情報: Loop Daikanyama

---- English -----

It's been like a month or so? ... since our last show so I've been waiting for this chance to play again for a while!

On September 7th Saturday we're performing with GAGLE and Shing02 with DJ A-1 at the Daikanyama Loop!

Date and Time :2013.09.07 (SAT)
Open 17:00/ Start: The Lo-Fi 17:30〜
Tickets: Adv/3,500yen+ 1drink
Door/4,000yen + 1drink
Venue Name and map:
LOOP Daikanyama

5 (Bass/Vocals of Lo-Fi)

Aug 9, 2013

フィルジョーンズ・スピーカー 6T, 9B, Phil Jones Speaker cabs


This is a photo of the Phil Jones speakers I've been using recently. A total of 15 speakers that are 5 inch in size. I like the look too.


Unless your a bass player you might not really be interested but the bass is an instrument with a really really wide range. You wanna utilize the ultra-lows of 30hz up to the 30khz area to express all kinds of sounds that the bass can make. Its demanding on speakers and amps.




My super simple review of the speakers is that they are excellent at expressing sounds over a very wide range of frequencies. Sometimes the treble needs a little boosting but the speakers can handle it when it's given the highs from the amp.

Any kind of instrument that can expand your space for expression is awesome.

5 (Bass/Vocals of Lo-Fi)

今日は暑すぎる。。。 Too hot today...



The heat today is really unbelievable today. It's getting even hotter as the sun gets higher in the sky.

Attempted walking with Jazz for a bit but the heat was unbearable....

instead I took the Monster for a spin and now chillin with Jazz

5 (Bass/Vocals of Lo-Fi)

Aug 8, 2013

Out with my dog ジャズと散歩

Finally a day where I have the afternoon off!

Had a great morning lesson with a young singer aspiring to perform globally.

I hope to do the same... :)

Now I've still got some recording work I want to finish that I started on this afternoon




5 (Bass/Vocals of Lo-Fi)

Aug 7, 2013

The Lo-Fi live at Kurkke Home

The Lo-Fi performed at the Kurkke Home in Sendagaya with some great artists on the 4th of August. Jay'ed, Hanna, Masumi... all kinds of music to promote a new headphone lineup from Bang & Olufsen!

先日の4日はB&Oのヘッドフォンをプロモーションするイベントに出演しました。今回は色んなジャンルの音楽があって本当に楽しかった。Jay'ed, Hanna, Masumiが共演したアーティストです。

これはかなり気持ちの良いギターを弾くHannaとThe Lo-Fiのコラボ

Here's a photo of The Lo-Fi jammin' with Hanna. He plays some awesome guitar

This is a shot of Jay'ed singing with his band!


This event is a special event that I help organize presented at a very special venue called Kurkke Home in Jingumae.

5 (Bass/Vocals of Lo-Fi)

Aug 3, 2013

最近のバイク、祭り、Jazz.... My recent ride, summer festivals and Jazz


recently I've been riding a bike that wasn't so demanding on my back. Still in recovery I'm making sure I don't do anything to push my luck.


It's been pretty rainy these days but thanks to the dramatic weather I love the cloud patterns I get to see on some days....
Watching the clouds drift by is a great break from the busy city rhythm...


This Friday and Saturday I've been doing some live mixing and PA for my first ever Bon festival!

Got Jazz to help me out today!!

Tomorrow I'll be performing myself in Sendagaya at an Bang and Olufson event with The Lo-Fi

Looking forward to a great show!!

明日は Bang & Olufuson (バング•アンド•オルフソン) のイベントでThe Lo-Fi が演奏します。


5 (Bass/Vocals of Lo-Fi)