Jul 31, 2013

"Surfers" Beach concert ライブレポート!


Had an awesome show at a beach house out in Zushi yesterday night!

今回はThe Lo-FiのYoshも参加してblues band "Knee Draggers" をやりました!

This time we had Yosh from Lo-Fi join us as the blues band "Knee Draggers"

AO who was leading the band got Ryoji who also plays for Lo-Fi up on the stage for a on the spot jam with the old Lo-Fi blues song "When I Wake Up"

アオさんのリクエストで急遽Ryojiの飛び入り参加も、When I Wake Upを演奏しました!


Here's Yosh on the awesome Decora43 custom cajon made in Asahikawa!

旭川のDecora43のカスタム カホンを演奏するYosh!


They really make awesome cajons....



Hope we get another chance to make use of the Decora...!


今度はSurf Jamのセットリストとかも載せないと、、、

今回ご一緒しました、Knee DraggersのAo, Hanna, とThe Lo-FiのYosh, Ryoji....

Thank you!

5 (Bass/Vocals of Lo-Fi)

Jul 28, 2013

久しぶりのブログ更新 been away from blogging again

(English below)













俺の家のスタジオや The Lo-Fi がレコーディングしているOnkio Hausとはまた全然違う感じのスタジオ。


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To be honest I've been really busy these days but on top of that I'm really thinking about what I need to prioritize in my life to get things into order. I just can't seem to get organized enough to say "no" to some of the new work that has been coming my way. I always like working on projects that are very creative and inspiring but at the same time I feel that there are just some people out there that are cutting deals with you where you miss out on a lot. Especially time and money these days.

I recently had the opportunity to do a very rewarding project with a very young singer and was reminded about a lot of things that I started to overlook as a I got used to recording and mixing and whatnot. It was especially challenging to get onto the record the sound we imagine in our minds when we are still writing our music or designing the mix in our heads. Then to communicate that between two different people was another huge challenge.

This let me realize a lot about how I communicate and my own strengths and weaknesses. Seeing yourself like this is humbling but also helpful when making works of art that are supposed to be raw and honest.

I hope that I'll get another opportunity again like this… well I'm not even near finished with the production, so I'll think about that next time...

As this project is winding down just a tad, I'm working on producing another singer who is this time not from the US but bound for the US. She's so different from me as a musician so I'm sure it will be incredibly more challenging than my most recent project.

Right now I'm also working on producing a song with a fellow singer here in Tokyo. This is a photo from her studio which is surprisingly close to my house…..!

Hopeful to get some good riding in today as I organize my schedule for the end of this month and beginning of this month.

Jul 20, 2013

先日のレコーディング、、、 The studio work the other day

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the recording work I did the other day went real well.

we ended up staying in the studio till morning but we got seven songs down.

it's really hard for me to all of the sudden cut all my work down to a healthy level so I'm trying to take it step by step to make the workload lighter.

For better or for worse... I always like challenges, but I think I really need to start changing my mindset to doing things with more efficiency.....

5 (Bass/Vocals of Lo-Fi)

Jul 14, 2013

Recording today 今日はレコーディング!

今日は素晴らしいシンガーと一緒にレコーディング!The Lo-FiのYosh と俺と、ライブサポートをしてくれてるGakuで!

Today Yosh, Gaku and I are recording for a great singer!

We're recording where we recorded The Lo-Fi's "Fortitude"!


5 (Bass/Vocals of Lo-Fi)

Jul 12, 2013

Thanks for coming to the Waterline ライブレポート!









Carpe Diem
What We Fight For
Think About
Make That Change
Cruisin' (Encore)

Cubic Glass
For You
Apple Tea
We Are All
Just The Way You Are
The World Is Yours
Make That Change (Encore)
Higher (Encore)
Realize (Encore)

------------ English -----------

Thanks to everyone that came to see the show on July 10th at the Waterline in Tennoz Isle. It was my first show after the accident.

I really am grateful for everyone who helped me get back on my feet. I hope I was able to show everyone how far I've gotten in my recovery!

Of course I still have a long way to go and I'm going to keep from pushing myself right now.

I've posted a few photos we took before the show....

That's us chillin outside before going up on stage.

Thank you all for coming and also a special thanks for the beautiful flowers and delicious sweets I received a the show.

I've also posted our setlist for that night above!

5 (Bass/Vocals of Lo-Fi)

Jul 10, 2013

間も無く、、、 Almost time to play

A half out to the show!
Feeling really good to be able to play again!


5 (Bass/Vocals of Lo-Fi)

初乗り First ride!

(English below)





バイクも久しぶりで、エンジンがかなり不調 笑


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Came out for my first ride in almost a month!

It's a great feeling to be back on the bike again. But I'm definitely going to take it slow for now. Went out into the neighborhood to a local bakery where I'll be performing tonight.

The weather is great today. I'm sure it'll get hot in the afternoon but the morning is perfect.

I wonder if I'll be able to take that corner I crashed on the same way I took it before the crash. Crashing on anything can be traumatizing and it's damaging not only on the body but also the psyche.... Some people even give up riding.

Im glad getting into gear and in the saddle again felt so comfortable. Despite my monster being crazy unstable in idle and revving down... it was a great way to start my day.

Now to get ready for the show!!!!

5 (Bass/Vocals of Lo-Fi)

Jul 8, 2013

Rehearsals for Waterline

(English Below)



他にはカバー曲のLa La Laも






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Recently I had rehearsal with my band members for the first time for the Waterline performance. Sure I'm a bit rusty from being hospitalized but definitely getting better.

For this performance we are getting songs ready that'll fit the Waterline atmosphere of laid back waterfront night-time urban bar style mood... whatever that is... LOL

I've been away from many routine things that was accustomed to doing on a daily basis, like updating my blog. I think I'm in good enough shape to resume these kinds of activities.

To be honest the stuff after the crash that I had to deal with was really not just taxing on my body but hard for me mentally too.

I'm glad everything turned out the way it did though. It made me realize how good things are actually and that I don't need to push so hard.

So after this I'm off to a quick meeting near home and then to the studio for a very short rehearsal.
Hope to be in great shape for the show.

Jul 3, 2013

Waterlineライブについて  About the Waterline show....




Only 7 days until the show on the 10th. This show means a lot to me, not just because it's my first show after recovering but because it's a performance really close to home and since Tokyo is the only city I've lived in for so long (as of this year) I'm really looking forward to performing in my community.

Today I was working with a singer that I'm producing and really enjoyed being able to create music with someone.... or to be able to do music at all! Really grateful to get a second shot at this. I hope to make the most of it.

Details about the venue are here:

今回は先月リリースした最新アルバムの Fortitudeを収録したオリジナルメンバー、サックスも Akiyoshi Yuなので、アルバムと同じメンバーで演奏することになります!

絶対に面白いライブなので、予約は店に直接か The Lo-Fiのアカウント  news@lofi-net.com にご連絡ください。

This show will be performed with the original members of Lo-Fi. The original members who recorded the newest album FORTITUDE including sax Akiyoshi Yu will be doing two sets this night from 19:30 and 21:30

Well.... it's time to catch some Zzzs and will hit the hospital tomorrow morning before some rehab.....

Jul 2, 2013

またステージに立てそうだ。Looks like I'll be ready soon!


Great news from the doc today, telling me that I can resume daily activities as of today! After a quick check up it seems like the incredible pain is gone for good!


I guess it's goodbye to those pain meds I've been sooo looking forward to for the last two weeks.

But of course... I'm going to stick to what my friends and family have been advising me to do....


IMPORTANT-> NOT to push myself!
I guess I'll just be funneling that energy into mastering the art of relaxation or yoga or something.


But here's one more piece of good news:

July 10th Wednesday night

The Lo-Fi will do a small show at a bar in my neighborhood!

The venue is called "Waterline", Tokyo'a only floating bar!

近所の Waterlineで、小さなライブをします! ここはTY HARBORのレストランがやっているバーで、かなり気持ちの良い空間です。

Here's what the flyer looks like!


Times/時間: 19:30 1st stage, 21:30 2nd stage!

Charge/料金: ¥1500

Looking forward to a super local show!


5 (Bass/Vocals of Lo-Fi)

Jul 1, 2013

今日のレッスン終了。Finished teaching for today!

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Finished teaching lessons for today and about to head home.
Before I left the classroom today I had an in depth discussion with a coworker there and we reflected on my recent accident.

We didn't really talk about the details of the crash or any things, but we talked about how I've been thinking about what was really important to me in life right now.

I feel that like most near death experiences, these moments become turning points in your life that help you open your eyes to things you've never been truly aware of.

I feel that my life up to the accident was extremely busy and fulfilling only because I was so busy I had no time to really reflect on the effect or performance of my actions.... personal or professional

I think when one is busy its easy to fall into this trap. A false sense of accomplishment from filling your schedule book from top to bottom and answering phone calls from multiply time-zones 24-7 and depriving yourself of sleep.

When I reflected on my ultimate goal of making as many people as possible happy, or help them on their paths to getting closer to that feeling.... Dying immediately wasn't a good way to accomplish that.... Obviously the obvious escaped me since I was so busy trying to get to my next appointment.

What what is this happiness that I'm talking about? To be honest I have no idea. But I do know that I was interchanging that feeling with "excitement/fun". It's fun pushing yourself to the limit, but not fun when your watching someone suffer because of that as a side effect....

Anyway I hope as my body recovers, I'll be able to hold back on getting busy ASAP and make sure that I take time to do the things most important to me, not just because I can. Saying "no" is sometimes so difficult for me.

I posted some old photos of Jazz and Bluez. They're hanging around the house feeling all these emotions of "anger", "joy", "fear", "anticipation".. And probably much more... I really think there is no golden ratio of the emotions that a living organism has to feel to be "happy". It's just a type of emotion that passes by on certain occasions. it's probably not an emotional utopia of any sort, but just a feeling that passes.

I do hope I can make room in my life for more of this kind of emotion.

Did a lot of distance today in my wheelchair, and no sign of pain in my back.

I feel good too. A lot less dependence on my cane too when get out of the chair.

Hope to work on some songwriting tomorrow.